Stran 15 od 19

Objavljeno: 28 Feb 2011, 18:24
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Objavljeno: 26 Feb 2011 22:10 Naslov sporočila:


Klemen oprosti, če smetim.
Kaj takega bi moralo po vodi letet kot sam hudič: ... re=related

Objavljeno: 28 Feb 2011, 18:57
Napisal/-a marolt55
Tale pa leti(dobesedno) :D

Objavljeno: 02 Mar 2011, 22:04
Napisal/-a AlesZ

Objavljeno: 05 Mar 2011, 10:52
Napisal/-a AlesZ

tole sem našel pri pospravljanju.......čas krepko pred kitajci,celice Panasonic 2300(7) ,motor;avtomobilski 14X4 ovoje + 4statorski obroči,elisa 37octura trokraka...............

Objavljeno: 06 Mar 2011, 22:45
Napisal/-a brejker

Objavljeno: 23 Mar 2011, 14:37
Napisal/-a AlesZ
našel na starem bilo kar nekaj dela, da si z tistimi NiMh-ji takrat spravil skupaj 8 min............ ... detailpage

Objavljeno: 07 Apr 2011, 20:35
Napisal/-a brejker

Objavljeno: 14 Apr 2011, 12:07
Napisal/-a brejker

Objavljeno: 20 Apr 2011, 21:54
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Nazadnje vse konča v kitajskem kalupu... ... uctReviews

Objavljeno: 21 Apr 2011, 20:36
Napisal/-a Intruder
Ima kaksen potencial?

Objavljeno: 21 Apr 2011, 21:36
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Dandanes je 10 cm prekratek in 5 preozek..........model je iz časov GP-jk 3300 ni pa bil slab................. tole je bil prvi test,je pa drugač to un ki je kačo ujel...

Objavljeno: 26 Apr 2011, 10:54
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Našel še Li-Po verzijo....2S;5000.....3600U/ malo premalo teže na levi strani..... ... detailpage

Objavljeno: 08 Jun 2011, 19:01
Napisal/-a StEEm

Objavljeno: 11 Jun 2011, 22:21
Napisal/-a AlesZ

Objavljeno: 18 Jun 2011, 10:07
Napisal/-a AlesZ
red mora bit............

Objavljeno: 22 Jun 2011, 13:06
Napisal/-a JozeS
Russel Coutts je prevrnil jadrnico.


Objavljeno: 24 Jun 2011, 21:21
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Dear Team leaders, representants of your Countries:

In view of the current situation regarding batteries, i feel we must try and find a better solution for the ever increasing Lipo capacity. When we first started using Lipo technology, the idea behind it was to have batteries that would last us longer. As it is at this moment, we have gone to a situation where this is not the case. Capacity of Lipo's has gone through the roof (e.g. 6300maH in 2S and 4500mAh in 3S) Unfortunately the drop in Capacity is rather rapid. After only using them for a few times, many of these batteries lose substantial Capacity. This leads to a situation where the Lipo's need to be replaced more often, and that comes at a price! Some people tell me whe have gone to a situation worse then the end of the NiMh era!

At the last Open European Championships in Moers, we held a small informal gathering to discuss these matters. 1 solution that was put forward was the use of a so called Watt Limiter. I personally do not think that to be a good idea for several reassons:

a) using an extra electronic device in our boats is another thing that might malfunction, keep it simple

b) as most electronic devices running on software, this software can be altered (cheating)

c) extra cost of such a device

Several people tell me they would rather use "lower" Capacity batteries that last (meaning honest higher C rating) then constantly having to buy new batteries. In the RC car scene, EFRA has made up a list of batteries that can be used. Only batteries wich are on that list can be used, this works to great sattisfaction i am told. In my view the idea is not as bad as it looks, i think we could do a similar thing. We could make up a list with batteries we all agree on are good, and then only these batteries could then be used for Naviga Races. We could also allow slightly higher weight batteries to that list, if we all agree these batteries are actually good. In other words, forget the strickt 110/280/560gram rule but go for solid longlasting batteries. Please reflect on this and come back to me on this issue.

Another matter is the startprocedure. The 10 second Mill start dates back manier years now. With the actual level of Power, alot of crashes happen at the first bouy. At last EC Race, only 2 people were rewarded a medal in Hydro 2 because someone crashed and took out all the other finalist at the first buoy.

What are your thoughts on the following: Why do we not go directly on the course? Nbr 1 starts from the left side of the platform, nbr 6 from the righthand side. In the next serie this is reversed. At the start signal evevyone goes directly to the left side bouys, the extra distance between the startline and the first buoy will eliminate alot of crashes, because there is no longer the requirement of slowing down to prevent an false start. Everyone will inmediately go full throttle.

A last issue is the matter of some classes: In my opinion Mini Eco Standard should no longer be an official Naviga class. Brushed motors have become a thing of the past. Mini Eco Expert is in an economical view a far more interesting class.

Hydro 2 is also becomming more and more of a problem because of the enormous speed and acceleration of these boats. For a number of years we notice a downfall in attendance in this class. The cost of batteries and motors for this class will no doubt contribute to that too. Also many lakes have just become too small to run these very fast boats.

Many Countries run mini classes with much success, why not opt for mini Hydro instead? At a very reasonable price, these boats provide alot of fun and thrill.

My friends, think these matters over please, consult your Racers and report back to me with your views and ideas by latest 26 of June 2011

Yours truely

Walter Geens

Naviga M section Leader

Objavljeno: 25 Jun 2011, 21:48
Napisal/-a AlesZ
da bi razpravljali o teh zadevah. 1 rešitev, ki je bil podan je bila uporaba tako imenovanih Watt omejevalnik. Jaz osebno ne mislim, da je to dobra ideja za več reassons: a)

Objavljeno: 26 Jun 2011, 20:59
Napisal/-a StEEm
Many Countries run mini classes with much success, why not opt for mini Hydro instead? At a very reasonable price, these boats provide alot of fun and thrill.
Zgleda da ima naša nacionalna kategorija prihodnost v Navigi :)

lp, Jernej

Objavljeno: 26 Jun 2011, 22:06
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Ne vem,čudna stvar je tale naviga.......čez noč po nekem podobnem sestanku so ukinili eco standard in zraven še mono/hidro 3,šele ko je folk protestiral so pa dveh letih standard sprejeli nazaj.....samo ljudje ki so nehali jih ni več.Sedaj jim je napoto mono/hidro 2,ker so baje mlake premajhne istočasno se pa pri explozicih vedno več ljudi odloča za večje barke.................

Objavljeno: 28 Jun 2011, 07:04
Napisal/-a Jaro
Tale jih je pa res natrosil! Neumnosti namreč.

In potem greš gledat rezultate SP iz leta 2004 pa ugotoviš, da se je v H2 že takrat delalo 26 krogov, pa 24 v H1... in kar naenkrat gre vse skupaj prehitro...

Pa še stoječi štart... Brez trkov... hahaha! Če bi jaz z mojim H1 štartal z leve (iz pool positiona) bi me vsi povozili, ker mi zglisira precej počasi...

Leteči štart je povsem v redu. 10s je 10s za vse in če je časa več, je več časa, da se čolni razporedijo. Ravno to je namen letečega štarta. Ne pa da jih večina na polno goni po najkrajši poti na prvo bojo in potem parkirajo par metrov pred startno linijo. Skratka, treba je znati voziti. Timing...

Se pa strinjam, da tole s celicami ne vodi nikamor in je že zelo podobno zgodbi s SubC-ji.

Objavljeno: 28 Jun 2011, 07:24
Napisal/-a AlesZ
Dejansko mi ni jasno....po vsakih takšnih dirkah se pojavijo neki čudni predlogi.Obrazloženo je...tekmovalci so zahtavali........potem pa ko so pravila na papirju pa folk čudno gleda....?

Objavljeno: 02 Jul 2011, 12:40
Napisal/-a Jaro
Sem nekaj pospravljal in selil pa sem se kar zgrozil... #-o

Sem moral zložiti na kup in arhivirati...



Objavljeno: 02 Jul 2011, 13:16
Napisal/-a AlesZ
moje že nekaj časa niso videle sonca......


Objavljeno: 03 Jul 2011, 09:44
Napisal/-a StEEm
Lepe kolekcije :) Glede niso videle sonca. Jaz vozim še samo za sebe ... ker se je težko dan danes kaj uskladit z drugimi :)

lp, Jernej